Seminar on Mental Health Awareness
A seminar on Mental Health Awareness was held in the Helmut Kutin Auditorium of SOS Hermann
Gmeiner College Dhaka at 11 a.m. on 22 September 2022. The programme was conducted by Asst.
Professor Dr. Sifat-E- Sayed, Department of Psychiatry, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
(BSMMU), Dhaka. Students from class VIII to class X of the college attended the seminar. Dr. Difate-E-
Sayed explained to them about the mental stress of the adolescents, its reasons and effects; and about
what the remedies of it might be. Before finishing the programme, there was a questioning and
answering session where the students asked various questions regarding mental health issues and Dr,
Sifat-E-Sayed answered them. The subject matter of the programme was very much time-worthy and
effective for the adolescent students. The whole programme ended at 1:00 p.m.