Annual Picnic of SOS Hermann Gmeiner College Dhaka
The Annual Picnic of SOS Hermann Gmeiner College Dhaka was enjoyed on 12
January 2023. The students of class X and Class XII and the SSC-2023 candidates
enjoyed the annual picnic of the college. All the teachers, staff, the Vice
Principal and the Principal of the college also joined the picnic. The picnic
spot was ‘Krishibid Resort’ Birulia, Savar. The place was eye-soothing and
charming where students played various games, swam in the pool and sang songs.
Boat riding was another pleasure to them. There were some events to play for
the teachers and the staff. Both the senior and junior teachers including the
staff took part in those events. Students cheered them and thus
students-teachers passed a great time. After playing games all of them ate delicious
foods. Next there was a prize giving event. The winners of the sports events
took prizes from the hands of the Principal and the Vice Principal of the
college. Thus, all of the students, teachers and staff shook off their monotony
to start newly. They started for their destinations at 5:00 pm. bearing a happy
memory in their hearts.