Crest Giving Ceremony of SSC GPA 5 Achievers 2023
Crest giving
ceremony of SSC GPA 5 achievers 2023 was held at “Helmut Kutin” auditorium of
the college on 28 August. The National Director of SOS Children’s Villages
International in Bangladesh and Chairman, Governing Body Dr. Md. Enamul Haque
was the Chief Guest of the program. The program started with the recitation
from the Holy Quran. One of the GPA 5 achievers and a teacher gave their
speeches. After that the Principal gave her welcome speech. Then the Chief
Guest handed over the crests to the GPA 5 achievers . In his speech the Chief
Guest congratulated the GPA 5 achievers and encouraged other students present there to be motivated
by them. The program ended with the distribution of refreshments to the