“Freshers Reception” programme for the students of class XI
“Freshers Reception” programme for the students of class XI of SOS Hermann Gmeiner College Dhaka was held on 2 April 2022 in Helmut Kutin auditorium of the college. The programme started at 10:15 a.m. with the recitation from the Holy Quran by a student of class XII. Then one student of class XII delivered her speech welcoming the freshers and sharing her experience of college life. Then a newly admitted student of class XI delivered her speech expressing her one month experience in college. Then one of the class teachers, the Vice Principal and finally, the Principal of the college delivered their speeches. Both the Vice Principal and the Principal of the college welcomed the students and then advised them to be sincere to their study, to be disciplined, punctual and ethical. They both advised the students to follow the path of Dr Hermann Gmeiner after whose name the college was stablished. The first part of the programme ended at 10:45 a.m. that followed a gorgeous cultural programme where the students of class XII showed their performance singing, dancing and staging a drama. The whole programme ended at 12 p.m. distributing lunch boxes among the students.