Observation of Eid-e-Miladunnabi
In a proper religious
manner, SOS Hermann Gmeiner College Dhaka observed the holy Eid-e- Miladunnabi
at “Helmut Kutin” auditorium of the college on 28 September 2023. Students from
Preparatory to Class IX attended the program. The program started with the
recitation from the Holy Quran. After that Hamd and Naat-e-Rasul were sung by
the students. Three students from different classes focused on the life and
work of the Great Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (Sm) in their speeches. After that
prizes were given to the winners of Qirat and Quiz competitions held earlier
regarding the occasion. In her speech the Principal advised the students to
follow the ideology of the great Prophet in every sphere of their lives. A milad
was conducted by a group of students under the supervision of the Religion
teacher. The program came to an end with the distribution of refreshments among
the students.