Report on Discussion Session
Report on Discussion Session on “Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist Financing (TF)
Risk Management including Integrity, Compliance and Legal (ICL)”
A discussion Session on “Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist Financing (TF) Risk
Management including Integrity, Compliance and Legal (ICL)” was organized by SOS Hermann
Gmeiner College Dhaka on Wednesday, 03 November 2021. The facilitator of the programme
was Nikolas Biswas, ICL Contact Person, SOS Bangladesh. All the staff of the college attended
the session. The session started in the meeting room of the college at 11:00 a.m. The facilitator of
the session discussed elaborately about Integrity, Compliance and Legal, anti-money laundering
and anti-terrorism. In the session, there was “questioning and answering part” also. The whole
session ended successfully at 1:30 p.m.